A bird’s-eye view of pollution monsters



Introduction ・ A bird’s-eye view of pollution monsters, the negative products of pollution

Movie writer / Yoshiaki Washizu


Perhaps the impact of “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” (71) is, in a sense, comparable to the first work “Godzilla” (54). I think that the most attractive point is the overwhelming presence of Hedorah, a child of pollution, against Godzilla, a child of the atomic bombing.


My hometown is Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. There is a small paper mill about 2 kilometers away from my house, and although odors and sludge deposits were a problem around the harbor and in the river, the most talked about at that time was a number of large paper mills. It was Tagonoura Port in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where the waste liquid and sludge of the factory flowed in (this port also appeared in “Godzilla vs. Hedora”). That’s not to say, but sludge has been a familiar problem since childhood.

そのため『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』は、どうしても他人事のような怪獣映画には思えなかった。ヘドラの恐ろしさは凄まじく・・・・・・工場から吐き出される黒煙を吸引すると、毒々しい赤い目を瞬きさせて恍惚とした表情を浮かべていると、 後頭部のあたりが不気味にブクブクと膨張し始める。また、 飛行体ヘドラが飛行した 後、排泄された硫酸ミストによって鉄が腐食し始め、人間が面白いようにバタバタと倒れていく。とにかく凄まじ い映像に溢れた怪獣映画だった。

Therefore, “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” did not seem to be a monster movie like other people’s affairs. Hedorah’s horror is terrible … When he inhales the black smoke exhaled from the factory, he blinks his poisonous red eyes and has an ecstatic expression, and the area around the back of his head swells eerily. In addition, after the flying body Hedorah flies, the excreted sulfuric acid mist begins to corrode iron, and it falls down in an interesting way for humans. Anyway, it was a monster movie full of his awesome images.


Since it is a pollution monster, it is natural to satirize the pollution and imagining death. It is a dead creature that is the exact opposite of the Earth’s creatures, and its rapid growth and metamorphosis ability is unstoppable if left unchecked, and may eventually cover the Earth…. It was just a ghost of pollution.

ヘドラは、公害の澱みから生まれた怪獣でありながら、後半になると、日本の典型的な幽霊のポイントをそっくりしていることが分かる。それを確信できるのは、ゴジラによって左目を潰され、額のような部分が不気味な睡 れ物のように肥大し、ひび割れている。まるで毒を盛られ、恐ろしい形相に変貌を遂げた亡霊を彷彿させるではな いか。しかも腕が幽霊のようにユラユラとゆれて垂れ下がっているし(笑)。

Hedorah is a monster born from the stagnation of pollution, but in the latter half of the year, it turns out that it looks exactly like the typical ghost story of Japan. I can be sure that Godzilla has crushed his left eye, and his forehead-like part has grown and cracked like an eerie sleeping thing. Isn’t he reminiscent of a ghost who has been poisoned and transformed into a terrifying form? Moreover, his arms are swaying and hanging like ghosts (laughs).

ヘドラって、公害そのものがお化けに変異したとも受け取れるし、公害によって死んでしまった••••••空、海、川、動物、魚、 虫といった自然の怒りが具象化させた姿とも解釈できる。 人間が作り出したものによって公害が生まれ たのだから、 因果応報なのか?・・・・・・ <クソのような公害の塊=ヘドロを人間にぶっかけたくなるのも理解できる。犠牲になるのは、いつも物言わぬ自然側なのだから。となれば、主題歌「かえせ! 太陽を」は、逆説的なヘドラの嘆き節という観方もできる。 Hedorah can be perceived as a ghost of the pollution itself, and it is also interpreted as a reification of the anger of nature such as the sky, the sea, rivers, animals, fish, and insects that died due to the pollution. Since pollution was created by what humans created, he was a causal retribution? Is it a causal retribution because pollution was created by what humans created? It’s understandable that you want to hit humans with a mass of pollution like shit (=sludge). The sacrifice is always on the silent natural side. Then, the theme song “Return the Sun” can be viewed as a paradoxical Hedorah’s mourning clause. ・・・・・・などのように『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』は様々な観方ができるわけで、ここ数年ヘドラ人気が再燃していることは大変嬉しい。 “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” can be viewed in various ways, such as. And I am very happy that Hedorah’s popularity has rekindled in the last few years. 現在もファンひとりひとりの心の中に、ヘドラがトラウマ(かどうかは不明だが)になって棲んでいる。本書は、『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』 と公害怪獣のファンたちによる、公害怪獣の映像作品に関する文章やイラストなどを編纂し同人誌の形にまとめることで、不世出の怪獣映画『ゴジラ対ヘドラ』の製作・配給に関わった、全ての皆さんに感謝を込めたいと思う。 Hedorah still lives in the hearts of each fan as a trauma (although it is unknown). This book is a production of the unprecedented monster movie “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” by compiling sentences and illustrations about the video work of the pollution monster by “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” and the fans of the pollution monster. I would like to thank all the people involved in the distribution. と同時に、現在も公害と公害問題は、 ing・・・・・ 続いている。 なのに公害が生んだ負の産物、公害 怪獣をまとめて振りかえる本や資料 は今までなかった。あまり振りかえられることのない公害怪獣の存 在と、それが生まれた時代背景を見つめ直してみたいと思った。 At the same time, pollution and pollution problems are still ongoing. However, there has never been a book or material that looks back on the negative products of pollution and the pollution monsters. I wanted to re-examine the existence of pollution monsters that are rarely looked back on and the background of the times when they were born.

Source: Hedorah 公害怪獣の映像世界, p 5