
1984 Box Day


Recently, I haven’t been able to get enough of Godzilla 1984. I want more and more and every book on 84 I see I want. With the pandemic and with international shipping having come to a stop, I have reluctantly placed orders. I have three X-Plus figures waiting in Japan for a plane to bring them here. But Mandarake and DHL to the rescue. And so today is another box day and another cool Godzilla 1984 book. Its cover has drawn me with that unique headshot of Godzilla. This book is ゴジラ こどもポケット百科 カラー版 “Godzilla Child Pocket Encyclopedia Color Version” published by Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社). It’s a small book but 224 pages with the first 60 pages in color. The remaining pages are use black and brown ink. It was originally priced 750円. Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha is a Japanese publishing company founded on June 10, 1897. Below is the front and back cover.

This book is loaded with information and behind the scenes details. It opens with a foldout mini-poster followed by four color cards with full color shots of Godzilla. Below is a size comparison with other books from my collection.